The Burlington City Arts has issued a "Call
to Artists" to produce
a public art project memorializing
Submissions due: July 15, 2005
Burlington City Arts currently has opportunities open to artists in the
Burlington City Arts is issuing a Request For Qualifications from artists
and craft persons for a public art project on the Church Street
Marketplace dedicated to the memory of Big Joe Burrell, beloved Burlington
Jazz musician.
Project Budget
The budget for the final selected project is up to and not to exceed
$25,000, which includes artist/design fees, materials, lighting,
construction and all components of project installation.
Project Description
This project will emphasize creative site selection and the experimental
nature of Jazz in dedication to the memory of Big Joe Burrell, long-time
community member and popular Jazz musician. The project includes the
following details and requirements:
1. The proposed location for the artwork is the Church Street Marketplace
top block (near Halvorson's Upstreet Café.) Possible sites within that
block include but are not limited to:
·Ground space in the amenities strip, the area between the sidewalk (9
foot right of way coming out from buildings) and the granite stripe that
demarks the street. The amenities strip is about 12 feet wide. Anything
proposed for this strip should be placed between buildings so as not to
block the front doors of buildings or impede pedestrian ability to exit or
enter a store.
·Steel I-Beams that hold up the glass canopies on the Marketplace
·Any two-dimensional location flush with the brick paving.
·There may be building owners who would support public art extending off
of their building over the public right of way or on rooftops.
Artists are encouraged to discuss interesting sites with building owners. Advice
on how to approach this possibility and contact information for
individuals can be made available through the Church Street Marketplace
2. Any medium will be considered. All locations will emphasize engaging,
possibly interactive work and creative site selections.
3. All work must be safe, tamper-resistant, and easily maintained,
regardless of ease of public reach.
4. Work proposed for spaces above pedestrian level should give engineering
and pest control (primarily pigeons) proper consideration.
5. It is expected that the artwork will be displayed for approximately ten
years, but may be displayed for a shorter or longer period. Artists should
approach the project as a permanent installation when considering
6. The artist(s) selected for the project will be expected to work
collaboratively with the Marketplace and the Public Art Review Panel to
implement artwork.
A Public Art Review Panel comprised of Big Joe Burrell's close friends,
Church Street Marketplace representatives, Burlington City Arts Public Art
Committee members and artists will review submissions from this RFQ and
select between three and five artists (or artist teams) to develop
proposals. These artists (or teams) will be paid an honorarium of five
hundred dollars ($500) each (or per team) for fully developed proposals.
Initial selection of three to five artists (or artist teams) will be made
on the basis of experience, portfolio quality and professionalism. Final
proposals submitted by those artists (or artist teams) will be judged as
Aesthetic Considerations
·Innovative choice and use of site
·Exhibits strong artistic concept, design and craftsmanship
·Considers elements of existing architecture and infrastructure in design
Thematic Considerations
·Creatively explores ideas related to the subject, i.e. Big Joe Burrell,
Jazz, iconography
·Provides element of interactivity
·Proposal is coherent and well presented
·Previous experience completing public art projects for organizations or
for private
organizations of similar scope indicated.
· Demonstrated ability to complete project on budget and on time
Suitability to the Site
·Compatible with the uses of the site, which include a high level of
pedestrian and commercial traffic and numerous highly attended events
·Respects concern for public safety
Execution and Maintenance
·Demonstrated ability of artist to carry out the project within budget and
on time, with strong consideration of the artist(s) ability to work within
given timeframe
·Level of project's maintenance requirements
·Preference will be given to artists whose primary residence is in Vermont
Materials To Be Submitted
1. Between five and ten slides, hardcopy or digital images (burned to a
CD, not emailed) of previous work. Slides or accompanying material should
include artist's name, media, dimension, and construction cost.
Seven copies of the following:
2. Current resume (if working as a team, submit all team-members resumes).
3. A written description (no more than one page) of how you may approach
this project, emphasizing the possible materials, themes, methods of
fabrication and interactive elements.
4. Completed Burlington City Arts Art in Public Places application form.
5. Return envelope with postage for slides.
Timeline: July 15, 2005-May 15, 2006
July 15, 2005
Deadline for submissions in response to this Request For Qualifications:
5:00 PM (in BCA office, not postmarked. Submissions received by mail after
July 15 will not be considered).
August 1, 2005
Selection of 3-5 artists to develop proposals
September 15, 2005 (estimated)
Completion of finalist proposals
September 30, 2005 (estimated)
Refinement of proposals with Public Art Selection Committee complete
October 15, 2005 (estimated)
Final Selection and approved contract--Contract, fabrication and final
completion dependent upon successful fundraising efforts
October 15, 2005- April 15, 2006 (estimated)
Fabrication of project
April 15, 2006- May 15, 2006 (estimated)
Completion of project construction and installation
Installation will need to be carefully scheduled with the maintenance and
operations staff of the Church Street Marketplace to ensure minimum
disruption to business operation and public use.
Submit Proposals To:
By Mail:
Burlington City Arts
c/o Sara Katz
149 Church Street
Burlington, VT 05401
In Person:
Burlington City Arts Office
Memorial Auditorium, 2nd Floor
250 Main Street, Burlington
For more information call: 802-865-5356 or email skatz@ci.burlington.vt.us